- Our guests enjoy a complete programme of group and private instruction. And this using established teaching methods and the most modern equipment. The size of groups is well-suited to the different levels and based on the Swiss Snow League.
- Our guests all learn their snowsport with qualified snowsport instructors. Wherever possible they will be addressed in their own mother-tongue, however exotic this may sound.
- Our guests, especially the more inexperienced, appreciate our secure beginner’s slopes which are prepared according to the latest theory. They use the school’s own lift free of charge.
- Our guests enjoy the whole-day children’s nursery as well as the various children’s activities and events on the calendar. For us there’s no doubt that your little ones are the centre of attention.
- Our guests can reach us seven days a week during the winter: in the ski school office, by telephone or personally on the ski slopes. The possibility of on-line reservation is also part of our service.